尴尬:阿里巴巴被国际打假联盟取消成员资格 IACC检讨自身策略 - 无时尚中文网NOFASHION -权威领先的奢侈品行业报道、投资分析网站。


尴尬:阿里巴巴被国际打假联盟取消成员资格 IACC检讨自身策略

作者 史黛拉 发表于 2016-05-14 19:24:02 来源: 无时尚中文网

标签:Tiffany & Co.,蒂芙尼,IACC,Alibaba,阿里巴巴,International AntiCounterfeiting Coalition,Michael Kors,Taobao,Tmall,淘宝,天猫,Jack Ma,马云,Estée Lauder,雅诗兰黛,Clinique,Ralph Lauren,拉尔夫·劳伦,Gucci,Kering,开云,Bottega Veneta,葆蝶家,Ulysse Nardin,雅典表,Saint Laurent,Hedi Slimane,Unifab,Duncan Clark,邓肯克拉克,Alibaba: The House that Jack Built,Jennifer Kuperman,京东,JD.com,刘强东,双11,腾讯,JD,京东,Tencent,,Matthew Bassiur,Taobao.com,淘宝网,马云,Yuri Milner,尤里·米尔纳,DTS,Digital Sky Technologies

无时尚中文网微信号:nofashioncn2016年5月14日报道:在加入International AntiCounterfeiting Coalition(简称IACC)国际反假货联盟一个月后,由于受到该联盟其他品牌成员退出抗议,中国电商巨头Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. (NYSE:BABA) 阿里巴巴周五被IACC尴尬除名。

IACC周五发布声明,称该联盟将解决周三收到的、广为关注的匿名信,该匿名信对IACC将阿里巴巴接纳为会员大为不满,同时威胁若不将阿里巴巴除名,联盟其他品牌将会退出IACC。另外,更为值得关注的是,匿名信还暗示IACC总裁Robert Barchiesi和阿里巴巴存在利益关系,而周五,美联社根据该份匿名信顺藤摸瓜,调查发现,Robert Barchiesi不但持有阿里巴巴股份,其家族成员和阿里巴巴负责知识产权的副总裁Matthew Bassiur还曾经是上下属关系;除此之外,Robert Barchiesi的家族企业和IACC亦有交易纪录。上述诸多关系,令Robert Barchiesi饱受道德指责。

周五,IACC声明亦承认,Robert Barchiesi未向该联盟董事会披露上述相关利益冲突是联盟管理上的漏洞,不过该声明仍肯定Robert Barchiesi的工作,称在其执掌8年期间,联盟成员翻番。IACC表示,联盟正在招聘相关独立第三方,拟对联盟现有的政策、程序等进行审核、开发。


至于最为核心的话题,当然是IACC决定撤销阿里巴巴的会员资格。IACC称,鉴于多数会员的意见,将暂停新会员的纳入,这将造成Wish.com 和 The RealReal 的会员资格被撤销,不幸“躺枪”。不过,IACC表示,该联盟和阿里巴巴的合作仍然有效,周二,双方发布联合声明,称推出 IACC MarketSafe® Expansion Program 安全市场发展计划,该计划最核心内容是将打假举证责任由品牌转移给卖家。


对于成员资格被撤销,阿里巴巴发言人Jennifer Kuperman称,无论是否成为IACC会员,该中国公司继续联合品牌进行大家活动。

但是,对于IACC和阿里巴巴此次联合“制造”的“国际笑话”,正是基于全球品牌对阿里巴巴号称的打假极度不信任。因阿里巴巴的加入而退出的美国轻奢集团Michael Kors Holdings Ltd. (NYSE:KORS)此前向IACC发布公开信,谴责该联盟接纳阿里巴巴,Michael Kors 集团法律总顾问Lee Sporn 在信中表示,阿里巴巴一直只说不做,暗示中国电商所谓打假都是“假打”。在Michael Kors 退出后,Gucci古驰和美国珠宝品牌Tiffany & Co. (NYSE:TIF) 蒂芙尼亦先后退出该联盟,法国品牌 Longchamp SAC同样实名威胁会考虑退出。

周五,Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. (NYSE:BABA) 阿里巴巴股价大跌2.53%,不够过去两个交易日道指暴跌,因此未有直接证据显示被撤销IACC会员以及此次风波对阿里巴巴股价造成影响,不过,其竞争对手京东JD.com Inc. (NASDAQ:JD) 京东股价在周五则逆势大涨2.40%。


Board of Directors Message to Members re: Anonymous Letter

May 13, 2016 

Dear Colleagues, 

We would like to address an anonymous letter that has been recently circulated, expressing concerns about the IACC President Bob Barchiesi, and the organization’s operations and governance. 

We are extremely proud of what the IACC has accomplished over the last eight years under Bob’s leadership. During this time the organization’s membership has nearly doubled, and our programs have expanded internationally. Bob disclosed financial transactions and relationships on IRS Form 990, and his annual conflict of interest form. Certain aspects of the disclosed conflict, however, were not communicated to the Board because of a weakness in our corporate governance procedures. This failure to disclose was not attributable to inaction on Bob’s part. We believe that Bob’s performance and accomplishments as President have been exemplary, and he has the Board’s full confidence and support. 

We are hiring an independent firm to review, develop and recommend the implementation of corporate governance measures, internal controls, policies, procedures and by-laws to ensure that they meet the highest standards and fit the current size and scope of our organization.

Further, in consideration of some of the concerns raised by our membership, Bob has recommended, and the Board has agreed, to suspend the recently announced General Membership category to allow further discussion and consideration. This will result in the suspension of the memberships of Alibaba, Wish.com and The RealReal at this time. This will not affect our existing relationship or joint initiatives with them. We continue to stand by our inclusive approach to working with intermediaries. 

The IACC plays a vital role in stemming the growing problem of counterfeit goods, and we are confident we will continue to offer cutting-edge programs in the fight against counterfeiting and piracy. We also believe our collaborative approach will continue to present significant benefits to members and non-members alike. We thank you for your support and welcome your input.

 Looking forward to seeing you next week.



IACC Board of Directors




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