Target Corporation Names Janna Potts Company’s Chief Stores Officer - 无时尚中文网NOFASHION -权威领先的奢侈品行业报道、投资分析网站。


Target Corporation Names Janna Potts Company’s Chief Stores Officer

作者 Target 发表于 2016-01-05 00:56:24 来源: 无时尚中文网


Jan. 4, 2016-- Today Target Corporation (NYSE: TGT) announced the promotion of Janna Potts to executive vice president, chief stores officer. Potts will be responsible for the leadership of Target’s 1,805 stores across the United States. Potts will replace Tina Tyler and will assume the position effective immediately. She will serve as a member of Target’s leadership team and will report to Target’s chief operating officer,John Mulligan.

“Janna has been a tremendous leader at Target and we believe she will be a tremendous asset to the team, the company and, ultimately, our guests in this role,” said Mulligan. “As we continue to focus on offering our guests a seamless, uniquelyTarget shopping experience, we believe Janna’s strategic leadership, expertise in managing complex organizations, and her dedication to the team make her well suited for the opportunities ahead.”

Potts has been with the company since 1989 when she joined Mervyn’s. Since that time, she has held a variety of leadership positions in stores, operations, and human resources. Most recently, she was Target’s senior vice president of human resources focused on stores and distribution.





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